Sunday, November 22, 2009

Faithful Quilter and So-Cal Gal, Thanksgiving

There are some fun giveaways out there, let me tell ya!
There is a surprise gift from Elaine at the Faithful Quilter. She is thankful for Thanksgiving, and shouldn't we all?

Our So-Cal Gal is hosting a 'Worst Gift Contest", with the winner receiving a $100.00 AccuQuilt gift certificate. See if you can put your worst gift into words....

I'll try to share my Pumpkin Pie Cake recipe later, But I'm seriously considering my turkey cooked this way. Go read Diane's hilarious story of her first turkey wrestle,I mean bake, and her recipe at Quilted Moments blog.

Meanwhile, I'll be in Anaheim with about 7000 other Christian school teachers in this area. The Association of Christian Schools International Convention is held in Southern California always on the Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week, and I've attended about 30 years, now. It is refreshing and encouraging to be with other Christian school workers, trying to make a difference in the lives of our children, and our future.

Then, I get the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to do some cooking! It works for me!

Happy Thanksgiving! Pokey

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Hello! Thank you for taking time to peek in! If you say hi, I do my best to send back the love :-}pokey