Larry is slowly improving, but always tired, poor guy. We look for more answers to come in January. I'm trying to keep up with the regular chores! We have always worked together as a team with them, but he really has struggled for a few months (understandable now!) with stamina, so it's been a change for us. (Jan, I know you are living this too, you have my heart.)
Now, let me show you something new in progress, and a finish. Remember this colorful collaboration of Lydia's hand embroidery, and my piecing? We finished it for little Nathaneal, and Lydia and Jeff delivered it this week.
~Lydia playing peek-a-boo between the quilt~
here's the cute little man!
We are attending a friend and co-worker's 50th Wedding Anniversary. She is the Jr. High U.S. History teacher at my school. We've taught together for 20+ years. I kept thinking about the 9 patches that were laying around for a different project, and decided they would do the trick for an extra special quilt for her and Bob.
I kept looking for a quick quilt, but nothing hit me in leafing through the magazines...except I kept noticing Kathie Holland's quilts...
which led me to her blog,
Inspired by Antique Quilts,
and going back, I remembered this one ...
~picture from Kathie's blog, used by permission~
...which is perfect for a quick to-do! I sewed these squares back in July or else this wouldn't be possible for someone with the earned name Pokey :-}
there was a quick draw of the plan...a lay out, a swap of color...
a new grid lay out...
...and I think I'm ready to start sewing.
I didn't tell you when the party is, did I ...?
Stay tuned, and wish me luck!