Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Minute to Play

I hope these games aren't negative ones, I picked the images for the silly faces!

This is for my friend, Sue of Bits & Pieces, This & That. But you can join in! Copy and paste, and then answer the questions, and tell me you did!
  1. Sweet or Savoury?
  2. Dresses or Jeans?
  3. House or Apartment?
  4. Shop Online or Offline?
  5. DVDs or Downloads?
  6. Cocktails or Juice?
  7. Chocolate or Strawberry?
  8. Laptop or PC?
  9. Magazines or Newspapers?
  10. Facebook or Twitter?
  11. CDs or MP3s?
  12. Kids or Pets?
  13. Cookies or Cupcakes?
  14. Walk or Run?
  15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out?
  16. Market or Supermarket?
  17. Sourdough or Grainy?
  18. Heels or Flats?
  19. Late nights or Not?
  20. Coffee or Tea?

  1. Sweet or Savoury? Love the sweet stuff...
  2. Dresses or Jeans? I'm both
  3. House or Apartment? I love our house
  4. Shop Online or Offline? Online, especially!
  5. DVDs or Downloads? Dvd's are easier for me
  6. Cocktails or Juice? Juice blends are fun, always no alcohol
  7. Chocolate or Strawberry? Depends on the day...
  8. Laptop or PC? IMac computer
  9. Magazines or Newspapers? Magazines, I'm addicted to quilt mags
  10. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook if I need to
  11. CDs or MP3s? MP3's I love to make my own!
  12. Kids or Pets? I love them all
  13. Cookies or Cupcakes? I'm the cookie monster, or at least his cousin...
  14. Walk or Run? walk
  15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? I cook breakfast almost every morning. Today, oatmeal with brown sugar
  16. Market or Supermarket? Supermarket. I just don't have time for more stops.
  17. Sourdough or Grainy? grainy, I like those ones that have nuts even
  18. Heels or Flats? flats. no heel taller than 2 inches anymore
  19. Late nights or Not? I am up no later than 6:15 am without an alarm. No late nights
  20. Coffee or Tea? TEA, for sure. Current favorite: Vanilla Chai, with Nestle's Cream Brulee
Thanks Sue! that's the break I needed this morning...!


"O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!" Romans 11:33


  1. I did, here:

  2. Fun! Your tea sounds fancy!
    And I had oatmeal with applesauce and walnuts this morning. :)

  3. I did it:

  4. Thank you sew much for sharing this fun! I've posted this again over at: Have fun!


Hello! Thank you for taking time to peek in! If you say hi, I do my best to send back the love :-}pokey