Free form daisies are quite forgiving!
Good morning, Hope you are having a good day. Me? I'm sewing on the quilt frame this week. These are the "S"curls on the border
This is Nancy's Batik quilt, love the colors here! I'm doing a few things that I've never done before on this one. The backing is a very light batik, see the flower appearing on the roll?
First, this is a quilt that has a much lighter backing than the front, man, I get a bit nervous with all these stitches standing out!
this is a big cornerstone flower on the 10 inch border
Second, I've not really done a quilt that I put an overall flower design on.
This free form, "flowing" flower is one that was shown to us at a quilt demonstration, and I've used it here and there on other quilt pieces. This time, I'm making it the overall design.
I've drawn pages and pages, and now I'm jumping in!
the center of the flower is all I'm marking
Also, I am drawing on the quilt with this Fixion pen. I am not in the habit of marking for the quilt lines, but this will help with the scattering of blooms across the center of the quilt top, I think... it's taking time, but it is fun.
Oh, yeah, this is my first quilt to load onto the frame with the zipper leaders!
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More "Grannies" to share. Larry votes for a quilt (not table runners or a small lap quilt), and that means I need to make about 6 more. Good thing I can ~
Oh, these two purple houses finish the quilt along with Terry and friends. Now to get those put together!

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23