Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Little Peek

... because there is not anything finished, but we're still havin' fun!

Happy Quilting,


  1. Love your Blue Kitchen Sink, the quilting looks like hand quilting, is it? Also to I see something written there?

  2. Oh, you've started quilting your Kitchen Sink.....I'm just amazed by the folks who can quilt their own tops. Can you draw? I can't draw to save my life. I once heard if you could draw you could quilt. That's just one of the reasons I've yet to even think about trying to quilt my tops. I can't write either......but love what you've written in your border! Good Luck with the rest.
    What have you got going on over by your sewing machine, a touch a spring, that's for sure!

  3. I just read why you are called Pokey, that is sooooooo fun...enjoyed it.

  4. Coming along on the quilting! And what is on the sewing machine is looking very pretty - great fabric. Carol

  5. Oh wow you'll be done in no time at all.......
    nice to be home isn't it!

    I'm down to hand binding the Elijah quilt for my friend......she adopted two kids and now is having her first grandchild. She is a special friend....she was the first to arrive when my son was born nearly 35 years ago and is his godmother.

    the baby is due any minute :0)

    Happy Seewing

  6. Wow, you'll be sleeping under the blue one in no time at all !

    I wanta come play in the pink and green stuff !

  7. Kitchen Sink looks like it is full of blueberries and cream--yummy! Lovely work you're quilting there, Gwen.

  8. Hello Pokey,

    Thanks for visiting me and leaving the sweet comment about my little birdie!

    Those blue fabrics look fabulous!!!! And the quilts are gorgeous.

  9. Love love love the blue quilt! Can't wait to see what you do with pink and green (a favorite color combination).

  10. I love these colors! And good job on the name, I've never tried that!

  11. Beautiful, rich colors. That quilt is going to be gorgeous when you are done!


Hello! Thank you for taking time to peek in! If you say hi, I do my best to send back the love :-}pokey