Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Inspirational Posts

"Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord!" Mark 11:9

Today, there have been two blogs that inspired me in my walk with the Lord, I wanted to share with you their posts.

Jenn of Life in Bonetown shared about the words of songs, and how we seem to pay more attention as we grow older. She shared a song, "Midnight Cry", that really is a personal favorite of mine.
Never done this before, I'll see if I can paste a You Tube copy here.

Sparkle Jars posted a great quote, which made me want to share a little more in depth about my class theme.

Front and center of my room are these patchwork-colored letters, "Always Do Your Best".
After reading the Sunday Quote that Gayle posted, I wanted to share just what "YOUR Best" means in my classroom.
I start the year telling them that Mr. Davis is an artist, while I am drawing something, usually an animal, on the chalkboard, doing my best.
When I'm done, I ask the class if Mr. Davis could have drawn it better (and sometimes, their answer is an enthusiastic "YES!!") That is when I remind them I am required to do MY best, no matter how good someone else's drawing may be.
Teaching at a Christian school, I present the fact that God only requires my best of me, and not that it matches someone else's ability.

That, my friends, is part of God's Grace.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Third Quarter Blues

Our Easter break begins on April second, and I'm counting down. Until then, we have art projects preparing for Open House at the end of April.

Lydia helping with student's papers- Priceless!

April is also time for SAT's, do you remember taking those in school? Oh, and there is the school jogathon fundraiser, the Rummage sale fundraiser, the little beans to plant and pray them into growing

(you feel so bad for the little guy who's bean grows slow, or rots in the pot-!), not to mention the baby chicks that have to be here ON TIME for Open House, the Lighthouse student projects- - - welcome to Grade 2. My class theme every year is:

Always Do Your Best!

I am crunching numbers for grade averages, report cards are due soon, so that's part of the title,
"Third Quarter Blues".

The other blue part is the ongoing project, my blue kitchen sink that is not on point, so it's not quite what I was expecting.

Larry is quite taken with it, so, I am not ripping it out to suit my desire to match the flattened pinwheels.

It is up to 1080 pieces, and continuing to grow. Just thought I'd share what it is we're up to here.

Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 15, 2010

She's Alive!

Yes, alive and thankful to be mending. Whatever this viral thing is/was, it sure did a number on me. But, I stripped the bedding and washed the quilts-! to try to shake the "sick bugs" outta here!
The weather has cooperated, and I've had the windows open to air the place out. Does anyone else do this for health reasons? I always feel better to clean everything. I'm tired, but looking forward to a new day feeling better. There, that's said.

Karen of Quilts, Etc. is hosting a giveaway for her friend, Teri, a non blogger. Teri wants to give back to the generous blog people, as she has been a winner previously. How sweet is that?
I read about this on Karen's blog this weekend. Now, one of the fun rules they have attached is that I will get a point if you mention you read about this and say my name! So, go sign up, and tell them Pokey sent you over.

Happy Quilting,

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Some Progress, and My Friend, Ginny B.

I was going to title this post, Terrible Tuesday, to go along with Happy Wednesday from last week, but what fun would that be? Suffice it to say, I returned home from my classroom Tuesday morning (yes, I knew I was sick before I went, but you have to think of the sub that's stepping in!) and discovered I had 103.5º fever. I went to see Dr. Fu, he took one look at me and said, "Oh, you're sick!" Thanks. Tell me something I don't know (rather snarky of me wasn't it!?!)

But, I had so enjoyed the weekend, with progress on the homefront, and "Blue Kitchen Sink".
(See in the photo, the blankets are turned back so I can crawl back in!) Besides the fever not breaking until today, and Dr. Fu said I wasn't to go back to school this week, I have not had the strength to sew or do any fun stuff. What good is a day off, when you can't do that? Larry and Lydia said they knew I was sick because I wasn't doing ANYTHING. I bet some of you folks are "do-ers" like that, too. I will admit, God sometimes has to slow me down one way or another, so, I'm listening, Lord.

I've been teaching what seems a ba-zillion years, and I have a tendency to prepare my lessons
for me. I have my student work ready, each day's work is in its slot, and mostly I have the next week's work ready, too. IF I'm going to miss school, I work sometimes 2 hours on hand written notes for the sub. That's when I can. This week I had Tuesday ready with notes thinking "I'd be ba-ck" (drop in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice), uh, yeah. NOT happening.

There has been a different sub each day, and sadly, I've received a call Wednesday AND Thursday morning (bad, Mrs Davis!!!) asking where, how, what etc. I called my dear friend Ginny Bakan crying this morning, feeling so-o bad about myself. She reminded me that is a sub's job, it'll be okay, and after school (half day, too!) she went down to set the room for tomorrow.

She pulled a few strings and worked her wonders, and went to run a few papers, while I got to talk to the sub today on her phone. Now, here's the difference between Nickie, today and tomorrow's sub, and the other two: Nickie has taught, second grade as a matter of fact, and she paid me the biggest complement: I'm organized.
She said, "Mrs Davis, Your room is functional and just flows. The children worked to the pattern of day as a class that understands order. You have a lot of instructional aides, and I'm not worried a bit about tomorrow. Oh, and she had already done the morning prep work for tomorrow!

Well, I cried again. After feeling a bit like I let people down, God sent me two big blessings in the form of people with servant's hearts.

So, Let me tell you about my friend Ginny B., Mrs. Virginia Bakan. She has the kindest heart, the funniest wit, she has raised her 4 children in the ways of the Lord, and she is a true blue, loyal friend. She is why I came to teach at West Covina Christian School, 23 years ago. She was our daughter's 3rd grade teacher, and her girls would watch Lydia occasionally when we had teacher days.

This is the quilt I made for her upon the occasion of her retirement last year. I miss seeing her daily, but she still comes to help in my classroom on Wednesdays, and we go to the quilting class together on Monday nights. Here is the dedication /quilt label, green is Ginny's favorite color, that is why the backing is green.

This past summer, Ginny turned 70, and her oldest daughter Carrie gave her a surprise birthday party, and it was so wonderful to honor her there! Carrie and family had the backyard decorated beautifully, with lights in the trees and candles on the tables. She was showered with garden flowers for gifts, as she has s passion for gardening. My flowers came along with a dresser runner, I knew she has the quilt in her bedroom.

I am missing school another day, but the Lord is control (He has to remind me of that constantly!). I am doing my best to rest and hopefully I will be on the mend soon. Thanks for letting me share the yucky stuff, too. Okay, going back to bed . . . .

Happy Quilting,

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Quilt Giveaway

To wish a happy first year to Banaghaisge, go see her way to celebrate. She is making a quilt to giveaway!

Banaghaisge (bana-jas-ga) is Gaelic meaning 'the amazing feats and exploits of a woman'.
Sounds interesting, huh? Come see her stuff!

Happy Quilting,

Wednesday, March 3, 2010