I see the last post dated one month ago...wow. I'm already back to work in the classroom, making it a bright, happy place of learning. There are teacher's meetings next week, and first day of school is September 4th. So, I'm sending off a quick photo post, and hoping for more to come later. :-}
Leanna's blue and white embroidery quilt: quilted, bound, washed and crinkly! It was returned to her without a photo :-\ I'm hoping to borrow back for a class share next month, and take a picture then ~

This was my only visit to the Long Beach International Quilt Festival ever, "only" because next year it is moving to another state. But, I can say I was able to go! Notice the quilts that inspire me have Color, and great prints ~
I love these bright, happy hearts ~
The sewing room is still slow going...what excuse is there...I guess it's not as inspiring to me as creating is. So, there's the truth for you, and I'm moving on...!
There are about one hundred 3 inch spools here from Bonnie Hunter's pattern,
all scrappy, sewn into 4 patch blocks.
Hope to get them sashed together for a lap sized quilt ~
My second shirt this summer, it still needs buttons and then it's ready to go ~
I love puzzles of all kinds. Does any one else look at quilting as a puzzle solving activity? This Ipad is probably a reason the sewing room isn't done, since it seems to find it's way into my hands daily for blog reading and reading, too. So far, I've read 6 books this summer, including the Hunger Games series. I'm on Odd Thomas right now. I have access to Lydia's Nook library, and Jeff's Kindle Library through apps they put on for me. This Ipad is really for my class, not mine, but I have enjoyed the access to it this summer!
This is a rug loom from Country Threads. I ordered the loom, book and DVD for my birthday in July, started tearing my lesser favorite fabric, and the first rug is just about done as you can see. So far I'm figuring about 7-8 yards of fabric for a rug! I want to make a tshirt rug, too. Weaving has been a nice activity, and less hard on my hands than crocheting rag strips.

The quilt on the frame is a pretty batik Friendship braid, and has me humming You Can Quilt That Out. It is on the bias and quite ripply... I now know why my client through her hands up in the air as she gave it to me and said to do whatever I wanted to, lol ~
We have been swimming 1-2 times a week with Beth and Jerry, Larry took 1 day a week mini vacation days and we enjoyed each other's company in their pool, or reading, sewing, R&R days for true!
Now, it's back to typing class lists, filling out calendars, pulling book sets, running off papers and returning to the school days of life. What do you bet I will find time to post better, back on a regular routine? :-}hugs!
Happy Quilting ~
"From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised." Psalm 113:3