Miss Empress hit the nail on the head for my emotions for this year (although I did not suffer from her health issues, bless her heart!) I'm working on putting the sewing room -and the rest of the house- in order. There are several ufo's that have a date with my quilt frame for this summer break. I want to do some new sewing projects,
but I really M.U.S.T. get some finishes going on, tooo!!!
This was the most recent project to be worked on-a table runner or small quilt, inspired by the creative Tina of Seaside Stitches.
And no, it is not finished.
This was a pif I received from the clever quilter Jan.
I was so surprised to read that she only began quilting 3 years ago! She has her finger on the pulse of modern, look at her newest quilt here.
My husband and graphic designer Larry thought Jan's choice of fabric for the backing was really sharp, the text print is from Ikea!
This is how far my Wiggly Whimsy has gotten. I was inspired by Moda Bake Shop, and sweet Terry (who has her quilt completed).
This pretty blue one is ready for the quilt frame.
This was sewn by my dear friend Ginny,
and she plans to use it for a tablecloth,
to match her new dishes :-}
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
The sewing room?
Well, I'm trying to sort through as I go...
but here is the progress....
See my folks rocking chair? not much sitting my "seat" in it recently, lol
We bought this wood cabinet for $23 at a favorite local thrift store. Larry talked me into only painting the front face of it (that is how I did our kitchen cabinets) and I think he was right.
The shelves and cabinet (far back in this shot) are built into what was the closet in this bedroom. I have been accumulating the Jack Daniel's boxes every trip to Costco because they are so strong, and fit perfectly in the 14 inch shelving.
(Yes, I'm following the example given by Karen, and that knockout creative suite of hers, I can hardly call hers just a sewing room!) I have wrapping paper, but haven't started covering the boxes.
No, we didn't drink a drop of this, but Larry and I both like the look of the black and white type :-}
This cabinet came from a garage sale, we painted it black to go with the other stuff in this room. The wire baskets were donated to the school, and since they went unclaimed, they came home to help organize this stash accumulation.
Not sure what will go where, but trying to move forward....
That's all for now, I'll be seeing you on bloglovin' ~
Happy quilting!
"We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power
may be of God and not of us." 2 Corinthians 4:7