This has been sewn into a flimsy, but no picture of that. "What border?" is the nagging question, Larry and I cannot agree....
Time flies...and I'm dragging these days, but school has been a joy to get back into. One teaching friend described it as getting back in the routine, so it's a good tired, not a stressed one. I agree. Cute students, teaching with a great staff and getting hugs from those little guys, it's all good. One little gal must have told me 3 times today that I was just beautiful-ha! Made me lol every time. I think it called "looking through the eyes of love", you can't beat that. But on second thought, I was wearing fushia pink slacks, and a pink and purple shirt - a little girl's dream colors- ha,ha~
Hi to you, sweet Norma!
Still sewing by bits, but the only pictures I've taken in the last week is of the kids in my classroom for the 1st day's picture. I get them printed out and use their photos all year for the board in the room that says, "Second Grade is the BEST!", made for me by none other than my favorite live-in artist, my sweet Larry.
~ the built in, almost finished cabinet...the shelves and not finished baseboards ~
Sewing room, uh, not done. I think I need to hire out for helpers, maybe you'll get a home cooked dinner in return? LOL No promises...!
The air conditioner has gone out at home, hopefully it will be repaired tomorrow. Thankfully, we've been too busy to be home, plus there has been a bit of a break in the weather.
We lost a dear friend in a tragic motorcycle accident. It has saddened our church family, we love his family like our own. He has a wonderful testimony for the Lord, and we know we'll see him again, but it is such a loss. Larry was honored to do some art for the special services. Jesse was a young man, a 24 year veteran for the Los Angeles Police Department. "Heaven's getting sweeter all the time"... this is the song running through my mind these days....
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Tomorrow is Back to School night, and there is always projects you want to have done so the parents can see you're trying to teach and have art around the room. Jeff and Lydia helped today by making folders for tomorrow's meetings, and hanging some apple mobiles from the ceiling. Hanging colored creativity always adds some fun to the room, and the kids are so proud ~
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Okay, I fired up that camera to share these current 15 minutes of sewing:
From the red and white swap ~21 star blocks!
I was totally inspired by Annette of Sunshine Yellow's blog, who also had participated in the swap!
...and this is my sketch of a block I've been admiring, seen here and here, and too cute for me to ignore!
I'm using redeemed squares from my pineapple blossoms, plus other half square triangles I've sewn to go along...using a "Triangulations" cd purchased for 25% off, great deal!
Especially, since my redeemed squares measured an odd 2 3/4" and I wasn't willing to throw that 1/4" away, the cd made it easy to make more hst's the size I needed...and that made me happy!!

"Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is." Jeremiah 17:7