Have you seen this button around?
It seems it found its way to me. Versatile?
[vur-suh-tl] adjective How's that for a teacher's approach? 
First, I want to thank Carla and Lynda for the honor. I told Carla I thought my list would be boring. My family gave me a few things to mention. Here is my list of seven little known facts about me...
Now, I want to name several of you that make me so happy to read your posts, and give such encouragement back to me. But I'm gonna say you do not have to participate, and I know some of you already have. No order in particular....
Now, let's get out there and continue to be Versatile!
Happy Quilting,
[vur-suh-tl] adjective
- capable of turning easily from one to another of various tasks or fields of endeavors
- capable of many uses
- variable or changeable as in feeling or purpose

First, I want to thank Carla and Lynda for the honor. I told Carla I thought my list would be boring. My family gave me a few things to mention. Here is my list of seven little known facts about me...
- I grew up military, as did my husband. I've lived in many places, including Japan. I met Larry in Anchorage, Alaska.
- I attended 19 schools before graduating from high school. I didn't attend Kindergarten, but I taught it for 18 years. My Momma taught me to read before I went to first grade.
- I love to sing.
- I cannot type! While in college, I sewed 3 dresses (one was a Renaissance Gunne Sax dress!) and did mending to get my papers turned in properly. Who do you think was getting the better deal?
- I have done woodworking, and the first power tools purchased for our home was bought for me. But, last Father's Day, we bought a nice steam iron for Larry...! Larry irons better than I do....
- I came to know the Lord as my personal Savior 2 days before my 17th birthday. That Christmas, my folks bought me the Bible that I still use to this day.
- I must put my stash in order before I can show it to ANYBODY!
Now, I want to name several of you that make me so happy to read your posts, and give such encouragement back to me. But I'm gonna say you do not have to participate, and I know some of you already have. No order in particular....
- The Doodles of my Mind Jacque
- Sew Cal Gal Darlene
- Not So Plain Jane Rachel
- Neat & Tidy Mary
- Life in Bonetown Jenn
- Homemade Quilts by Granny Trish
- With Thread in Hand Nancy
- Annie's Quilt Orts Annie
- Flourishing Palms Linda
- Bits & Pieces, This & That Sue
- Fun Old Hag Carol
- Love Laugh Quilt Beth
- Pickle Dish Lesly
- Dolly's Home Dolly
- A Ditchin' Time Quilts Stephanie
- Pokeytown Kim Kim
- Ivory Spring Wendy
Now, let's get out there and continue to be Versatile!
Happy Quilting,