I've been messin' around with little sewing bits--tiny, actually--just for the challenge. Oh yes, I have been way busy with school and cannot believe I'm
working on the first quarter grades! But, I've been trying to reintroduce
working on the first quarter grades! But, I've been trying to reintroduce
~ B a l a n c E ~
which somehow evaporates with life demands.
I'm gonna share some photos, it's up to you
if you want to read the messages in between ~

These spools were my summer project from Bonnie Hunter, 3"finished, and all from scraps. I used a spool fabric print for sashing, but my favorite print is the top view of spools that are in the cornerstones. Needs to be quilted.
That thin turquoise flange was a chore for some reason, but I'm happy with the results.
Edited to add: Miss P. had a good idea for this to be linked to the challenge on Jo's Country Junction; maybe I'll up the game to get this one quilted! Thank you, P!
From each spool block was 4 bonus, or what I prefer to call "redeemed" hst's.
They were tiny, but I thought, "Why not?," and would get a tiny pinwheel with each spool.
This pinwheel Irish chain block is the result of those redeemed blocks! Set together in a 12 inch finished block, the math is 335 pieces per 12 inches!
I have 4 completed blocks to make a 24" table topper. I've run out of my pretty confetti background, so it is sitting for the next fabric selection....
This are the final photos from the quilt I made from Leanna's embroidered blocks. It was finished this summer, but she let me borrow it to share at quilt class and get photos taken.
~ Love this quilt ~
In the other "household" news, Larry is not feeling well, and is facing another surgery, bless his
heart. He is also unemployed, but working constantly with anything he
can. It is wearing, as you can imagine.... We have been doing our Bible
studies on the Sovereignty of God. Amazing blessings to be had...!
My second grade students are adorable, but quite a challenge this year. Over half of the class has diagnosed learning disabilities on various levels, and its hard work trying to bring them up to the mark. These are the years you question your own capabilities! Hopefully, we will get through with some growth in each of us, student and teacher, lol
Lastly, I just am not happy with bloglovin'. More times than not I cannot leave a comment on a friend's blog, without pulling the blog up on a separate window. It has caused me to slow down on my connections, and mostly I just connect though my own bloglist. Sorry for the grumbles, but one more reason I've felt a little lost from blogland.
So, all that to say hello, and we are still kicking. Hope to get the posts coming a little better than one a month. Happy Saturday!
Happy Quilting,
"Thus says the LORD: 'Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength… Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but her leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit.'" Jeremiah 17:5a, 7-8